Share the Road…

I have started biking to and from my Summer class at the U of S and so far I’m loving it. There does however, lie one problem. I’m riding on the road as I am supposed to, keeping up a pretty good pace and it seems that everyone who drives passed me in the gas-powered vehicles has a different, yet similarly disgusted look for me. They seem to think that I am not supposed to be there and that the sidewalk is for cyclists. It is not. Legally, I’m supposed to be on the road. I obey the laws, wear a helmet, and go relatively quickly. What’s wrong with that?

I really noticed this problem when yesterday, I was biking along and a big (waaaaaay to big) white truck has to drive around me, loosing maybe 3 seconds out of his day. I get the look and then it happens. He hammers on the gas pedal releasing a puff of black exhaust out of the back of his truck, right into my face. Come on… the looks I can deal with, but that was just too much. I couldn’t help but think… What a(n) _________. (You fill in the blank!) Okay, enough ranting.

On a more positive note, I haven’t been run off the road yet and once I get to my 8:30 am class, I am quite awake. I’m sure it helps that my prof has a Scottish accent and an admirable sense of pride in the course he’s teaching, but I remain awake throughout… a problem I’ve had with morning classes. I have tried to avoid them. So if you can take anything away from reading my post, take this: If you ever have troubles staying awake during morning classes, try simply doing a little bit of physical activity before hand. It helps keep me alert and I find I am retaining much more of what the prof says than normal. It works for me, and maybe it can work for you!

3 comments on “Share the Road…

  1. Nicole Koza says:

    Hey Shane,
    I too ride a bike to school and I do feel more energized during the day as opposed to when I drive. I also get the same annoyance look from other drivers and I think it’s because they’re scared they will hit me. Even though I know your legally supposed to bike on the road, I bike on the sidewalks. I do this so other drivers do not get upset with me and I don’t fear getting hit by a care this way. šŸ™‚

  2. Hey Shane!

    I love that your story is humorous and informative. I am actually so afraid of those looks that I don’t bike to school. Also, I watched a similar situation this morning when I took my husband to work. A cyclist was at the front of the lane next to me at a red light and the car behind him kept nudging forward. Needless to say as the light turned green the cyclist moved over and went with the speed of traffic and the car that was behind him that had tried to take off was forced to look like an idiot as they drove alongside each other because another car had turned into the lane.

    Happy biking!

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