Tech Task #1: Who are you?

Who am I? I’m a student who is ready to be finished!



My name is Shane Markham (that’s me on the right). That picture is of my girlfriend Natasha and I up at Candle Lake last year after we were both lucky enough to catch a couple pickerel and enjoy a fresh fish breakfast! I was born in Saskatoon Saskatchewan in 1990 where I grew up in the Lakeview area. I lived there my entire life until I decided to go to Regina to pursue my career as a teacher at the U of R. That was four years ago. I grew up playing hockey, lacrosse, football, and a little bit of soccer. It wasn’t until university where I started one of my favourite things in life: Ultimate (Frisbee).

Catching a disc at the 2012 CUCs!

Catching a disc at the 2012 CUCs!

I started playing Ultimate about two years ago. Since starting, I have had the pleasure of playing a variety of levels from a simple pick-up game in the park to competing at a national level last summer at the Canadian Ultimate Championships in Victoria, BC last year. The team was called the Bunny Thugs… an obvious play on words from the Bunny Hug term we use here in Saskatchewan. We placed 8th out of 16 teams which was our goal and we are planning on going back this year! The tournament is to be held in Vancouver this year. I have done many tournaments and even won intramural leagues at the U of R. Along with Ultimate, I have started Stand-up Paddleboarding.

SUPing at Candle!

SUPing at Candle!

This is a shot of Natasha and I doubling on my new board I bought last summer. Stand-up Paddleboarding (SUPing) is like surfing but the type we can do here is a flat water variety and is similar to canoeing or kayaking. I’ve gotten into these sports thanks to an alternative sports store which I’ve worked at for the past 5 summers. Sadly, this summer will be the first in a long time I will not be working there. It comes as a sort of bitter-sweet as I enjoyed working there, yet needed to expand my horizons and experiences. Right after high school I had the chance to go to Australia with a couple of good friends. We were there for roughly two and a half months and did many exciting things such as skydiving, snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, wine tours, and saw many exciting sights. I was going to add a photo, but sadly I cannot find them on my computer at the moment.

This is my fourth year of education and this, along with one other, summer course are the last two I need before I can convocate in the fall. Needless to say, I cannot wait. Most of my classmates were able to finish at the end of last semester so I’m ready to be finished! I’m excited for what this course has to offer and can’t wait to move through it and hopefully learn something exciting things about integrating technology into the classroom.


One comment on “Tech Task #1: Who are you?

  1. A good friend of mine is an Ultimate freak and even won a US national championship a few years back. He’s a principal in Philadelphia. If you follow him on twitter, I’m sure he’d love to chat with you about it. @chrislehmann

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