This Is The End

I went to see “This Is The End” tonight at the Galaxy Cinema in Saskatoon. It was opening night, woo hoo… I’m not normally one to get excited by movies and go to them on opening night when fighting through crowds of pre-teens and high-schoolers becomes necessity. I enjoy waiting till the movie has been in theatres for awhile and go see it then, when I can pick any seat in the house! I also hate kinked necks from sitting in the first two rows. But alas, my lovely girlfriend planned a night out with her brother and sister along with their significant others, and my brother. So I went along and tried my best to brave the crowds and not let it show that I was frustrated with each blind teenager running around like they owned the place.

This was worth it.

I have not sat through a comedy like this for a long time, I was laughing from start to finish. It was great! I’m not going to reveal too much about the plot line or anything for those of you who want to go watch it at some point, but it is outrageous with some unforeseeable plot twists. I would definitely suggest this movie. Heck, I may even go watch it again.

One comment on “This Is The End

  1. I just saw this movie last night and it was definitely one of the funniest ones I have seen in recent memory. Constant laughter was great and the end was quite fantastic!

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