This Is The End

I went to see “This Is The End” tonight at the Galaxy Cinema in Saskatoon. It was opening night, woo hoo… I’m not normally one to get excited by movies and go to them on opening night when fighting through crowds of pre-teens and high-schoolers becomes necessity. I enjoy waiting till the movie has been in theatres for awhile and go see it then, when I can pick any seat in the house! I also hate kinked necks from sitting in the first two rows. But alas, my lovely girlfriend planned a night out with her brother and sister along with their significant others, and my brother. So I went along and tried my best to brave the crowds and not let it show that I was frustrated with each blind teenager running around like they owned the place.

This was worth it.

I have not sat through a comedy like this for a long time, I was laughing from start to finish. It was great! I’m not going to reveal too much about the plot line or anything for those of you who want to go watch it at some point, but it is outrageous with some unforeseeable plot twists. I would definitely suggest this movie. Heck, I may even go watch it again.

Ray Red from Australia

Once, while in Australia roughly 5 years ago, a couple friends and I met up with a gentleman who plays guitar for a living. He also has a website. His name is Ray. He said that he would come visit us. Hating when people say they are going to visit someone and don’t, he came 5 years ago to the small city of Saskatoon. To celebrate this, we decided to have a BBQ/Keg Party. Ray played live and we all had a wonderful time. He has been to Saskatoon in early June every year since. Last weekend was the weekend of the party. Ray came, we partied. He left, we were sad.

It is amazing to think about all the wonderful connections I made while travelling, and also how many things I learned about myself and the world alike. It was a great opportunity for me to grow and learn. Meeting Ray was one of the many positives to come out of my travel experience. If you ever get the chance to travel, do it! Heck, don’t wait for the chance, make it happen!

Kenny, (from left to right) myself, Ray and Banain (the three travelers who met Ray) at this year's party!

Kenny, (from left to right) myself, Ray, and Banain (the three travelers who met Ray) at this year’s party!

Who’d have thought I’d be a plumber…’s assistant?

Since my final on Friday concluded my English class through the University of Saskatchewan, I started my new job today. I am working for a company in Saskatoon called Wyatt Plumbing and Heating. I started my day with helping out with a furnace installation, and then driving around picking up some supplies for some of the workers, and even painted some gas pipes yellow… which got all over my hands.

Lets be honest, I’m more of the hippy-type. I have extremely long hair, almost down to my butt and love to play Ultimate. I have previously had jobs in kitchens, a retail store, and the closest I got to a plumber was a detailer for an Autobody shop. Here I am now, in a hardhat, walking around construction zones and really getting my hands dirty. I have to say though, I rather enjoyed my first day. It is a faced paced job and there is always something to do, there is rarely time to stand around and do nothing. After my broke internship and barely getting by with the minimal money I made from The Lazy Owl Bar in Regina, I am looking forward to making a bit of money! Hopefully the rest of my time with the hard hat on goes well. Wish me luck!

Back from class, the lake, and to reality.

One class done – my in-person course at the U of S has come to completion and I am that much closer to graduating in the fall.I have never read 6 full-length novels in 3 weeks before… I suppose there is a first for everything.  I can’t wait to be done! Only 20 more days of ECMP 355! Following my final, I went up to the internet-less lake to relax and unwind. Now it is time to focus on my online course and get into some regular blogging. Sorry for my absence, but I am back!

Share the Road…

I have started biking to and from my Summer class at the U of S and so far I’m loving it. There does however, lie one problem. I’m riding on the road as I am supposed to, keeping up a pretty good pace and it seems that everyone who drives passed me in the gas-powered vehicles has a different, yet similarly disgusted look for me. They seem to think that I am not supposed to be there and that the sidewalk is for cyclists. It is not. Legally, I’m supposed to be on the road. I obey the laws, wear a helmet, and go relatively quickly. What’s wrong with that?

I really noticed this problem when yesterday, I was biking along and a big (waaaaaay to big) white truck has to drive around me, loosing maybe 3 seconds out of his day. I get the look and then it happens. He hammers on the gas pedal releasing a puff of black exhaust out of the back of his truck, right into my face. Come on… the looks I can deal with, but that was just too much. I couldn’t help but think… What a(n) _________. (You fill in the blank!) Okay, enough ranting.

On a more positive note, I haven’t been run off the road yet and once I get to my 8:30 am class, I am quite awake. I’m sure it helps that my prof has a Scottish accent and an admirable sense of pride in the course he’s teaching, but I remain awake throughout… a problem I’ve had with morning classes. I have tried to avoid them. So if you can take anything away from reading my post, take this: If you ever have troubles staying awake during morning classes, try simply doing a little bit of physical activity before hand. It helps keep me alert and I find I am retaining much more of what the prof says than normal. It works for me, and maybe it can work for you!

First post

This is my first post for ECMP 355! I just found out about the website tonight (Thursday, May 9th) so I’m already two days behind! I’m a little overwhelmed already but should be able to get caught up pretty quickly. This is not my first blog, but is my first web-based university level class. I am very excited to undertake it and am looking forward to the experience.